Biomechanical Engineering Expert Witness for North Carolina

Arizona Biomechanics Consulting, LLC. has been in the field since 2016, and we have been consistently delivering reliable results. Our upcoming expansion to North Carolina is a testament to our growing capabilities and commitment to reach out to a wider clientele.

Lissette M. Ruberté, Ph.D., P.E. Biomechanical Engineer &
Traffic Accident Reconstructionist

Dr. Ruberté founded Arizona Biomechanics Consulting, LLC, which provides expert services in the areas of traffic accident reconstruction, injury biomechanics and related fields. She is a mechanical, biomedical, and biomechanical engineer with more than 13 years of experience in the private sector. She has reconstructed hundreds of traffic collisions and evaluated injury mechanisms in a wide array of accidents including vehicular rollovers and high-severity impacts, low-speed collisions (frontal, rear-end, side impact and sideswipes), all-terrain vehicle (ATV) tip-overs, wheelchair, bicycle, golf cart and slip-and-falls. She is an ACTAR accredited traffic accident reconstructionist, and a licensed professional engineer.

A woman with gray hair wearing a blue jacket.

When it comes to securing a biomechanical engineering expert witness in North Carolina, Arizona Biomechanics Consulting, LLC stands out as the premier choice. As a leading firm in this specialized field, we bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, ensuring that our clients receive unparalleled support and insight.

Choose Our Biomechanical Engineering Expert Witness Service

Our team at Arizona Biomechanics Consulting, LLC possesses a deep understanding of biomechanical engineering principles. We are well-versed in providing expert witness services tailored to the legal landscape of North Carolina, offering comprehensive analyses and clear, compelling testimonies.

By choosing us, attorneys and legal professionals in North Carolina can benefit from our commitment to precision, thoroughness, and unwavering dedication to delivering authoritative expert opinions. Our collective knowledge and meticulous attention to detail ensure that our expert witness services are second to none, empowering our clients with the support they need to build robust, evidence-based cases.

At Arizona Biomechanics Consulting, LLC, we take pride in our ability to provide invaluable expertise in biomechanical engineering, making us the ideal choice for those seeking a trusted and credible expert witness in North Carolina.

Contact us today to learn more about how your case can benefit from a biomechanics expert witness from Arizona Biomechanics Consulting, LLC.